Objectives & Vision - About ARTP

ARTP’s primary objectives and aims are to be the Association that represents the interests of all those involved in training, development and competence management services to the Railway Industry. It sets out to achieve this by providing services and support to our members. There is no other association that looks after the specific needs of Railway Training Providers or Assessors.

Putting the case

ARTP sets out to raise the profile of Trainers and Assessors and their issues in the upper echelons of the railway industry and has direct conversations with key bodies: Network Rail, HMRI, RSSB, Sentinel, NSAR & CIRAS and aims to facilitate better communications across the Industry.

Getting Trainers and Assessors views heard

Seeking opinions by surveys and passing on the information gained to where it needs to be heard.

Getting matters sorted

Taking part in railway industry consultation exercises, such as the development of the Rule Book, the Sentinel procedures, HMRI Safety Critical analyses and development of standardised training plans.

Members come together at meetings of Special Interest Groups and an Annual Meeting to consider matters of concern and then set out to resolve them. ARTP special interest groups collaborate with outside bodies including Network Rail to provide consultation and opportunities. ARTP believes in cross border communication to move the Industry forward.

Getting things delivered

ARTP facilitates where it can best help Members, and this includes encouraging consistency across the industry by sharing best practice. ARTP members contribute to the development of Standardised Training Plans. Key disciplines are Track Safety, On Track Plant, Electrification (OLE Construction, AC, 3rd Rail DC and Distribution), Permanent Way, Signalling and Telecommunications.

Setting up group purchasing

ARTP works with providers to share information on suppliers and to negotiate reduced rates where possible.

Opportunities for networking

Networking and CPD events, ARTP seminars and the ARTP Annual General Meeting all offer invaluable face-to-face time with other member organisations and ARTP as a whole, allowing great opportunities to discuss industry events and issues and generally open a dialogue between us all.

Getting value for money for Members

All courses and workshops are offered to Members at cost and substantially below that offered to non-members.

So, what’s next?

Our membership criteria and application process is detailed for training providers looking to join ARTP. If you’re looking for a training provider, you can search for a suitable provider from the ARTP members list.

For further enquiries, please call us on 01332 360033 or e-mail info@artp.co.uk.